New lease of life !-Story of Sunita

Sunita Ram Rathod, Widow headed household staying in the village with 3 family members (2 daughters & herself) and husband died around 20 years back, elder daughter is dumb (unable to speak) and younger daughter is reading in class - 12th nearby the village having no agricultural land. Family depends upon the BPL & Widow pension, Vegetable hawking & in free time labor work. Generally she purchased the vegetables from bock vegetable wholesale market and sell it by taking in manually (tokra).
Under the Livelihood support, community suggested her name for the support to strengthen her vegetable selling business due extreme vulnerability. After discussing with her she suggested for the support of one four wheel trolley to sale the vegetables. After receiving the cash support, she purchased one 4 wheel trolley and selling the vegetables in Kader (Panchayat headquarter) area, less than 1 Km. distance from her village.
Now she is extremely happy over the 4 wheel trolley, which she can move one place to another place easily and in dignified way.