Redefining Politics: Story of Sindhu

Mainstream villages often do not consider Tanda while electing a person at Panchayat level. They lure them with liquor and sometime money to vote in favour of them. Handful people especially male members see their own interest make others to vote to the person who meet their individual needs. Women were not even allowed to discuss. However, this year youth took this in their hand and planted youth to contest elections. The myth of woman leadership was challenged through the woman contestant Sindhu Pawar.
Sindhu Pawar, is an active SHG leader. She has proved her leadership through running and managing her SHG very effectively. She has helped other members to avail loan and start small income generating activities and helped them on various walks. Women have trust in her as their leader. They supported her in in the election, without affiliating with any party. She stood up independently. It was a challenge not only for herself but also for the people who have been ruling there with the power of money and political hold.
Youth at Sardarnagar tanda started organizing meetings with men and made them understand about the losses of not having our own representative who can meet our basic needs. Several meetings were held and finally made up mind to give a try.
Sindhu was elected with good votes. Her victory was the indication of unity of people. Seeing her victory, she was made Deputy Sarapanch of the Kader village in which Sardarnagar Tanda is one of the habitations.
The same pattern followed in some other Tanda as well. This is the first time that youth and women of SHGs came together and contested elections. Total 13 youth got elected from Sewanagar, Sardarnagar, Devinagar, Karali, Jadhavnagar, Kolsur and Krishnanagar tanda. The results of the contest reflected in taking up infrastructural works like the construction of road at Saradarnagar and Vyankatnagar. Piped drinking water for Saradarnagar and Vyankatnagar and provision water during drought through Tankers.