Swayampurn: Promoting and strengthening community based systems.
Lack of collective voice of marginalised communities results into powerless condition that keeps them on the fringe of development. To assert their rightful share in the development, there is a need to create an enabling environment to promote rights based demands. Community based organisations such
youth groups, Self-Help Groups, Tanda Vikas Samiti and Farmers Groups are encouraged to represent the needs and concerns of respective communities through collective action.
Strengthen community organisations namely Self-Help Groups, Youth Groups, Tanda Vikas Samiti and Farmer Groups etc.
Organize capacity building training programme to build perspective on rights.
Facilitate to avail government schemes to make habitations with all amenities.
Encourage to participate actively in Local Self Governance.
Facilitating to establish citizenship through availing titles
Voter id, Aadhar card, rationing cards and caste certificates are possessed by more than 80% in intervened areas.

Active engagement of community in making PDS works
Regular supply, with right quantity of grains made possible through people's assertion.

Entitlement of govt. scheme.
Housing, pension, Ujwal Gas Scheme and toilets etc are availed by needy.

Asserting to seek revenue status to the hamlets
Several hamlets are deprived from basic facilities such road, electricity, drinking water and sanitation largely because no status as revenue. People started demanding the revenue status for 18 such hamlets.